Tonight is full moon and is a new beginning for me. I'm launching my new website specializing in custom made string art and paintings that I have been preparing from the summer.
The brand name Izumi Enn Works means "Fountain of Good Ties" in hope that Ideas flow out like a fountain through good relationships. The custom made portraits, mandalas and paintings I make mainly with colorful thread as Izumi Enn Works will be more in tune with my clients' aspirations, compared to that of the works I make as a contemporary artist.
I hope that many possibilities will unfold through this project and I hope that my works will find a loving home.
There are much more I'd like to write about but I think I'll continue on this blog later. For the time being, I hope you enjoy the beautiful full moon.
With love,
Izumi Enn Works
Arisa Chinen
ブランド名のIzumi Enn Worksは「Izumi(和泉)」:人との関わりの中アイディアが湧き出るように、「縁(Enn)」:多くの良縁がありますように、という願いを込めてつけました。
Izumi Enn Worksが展開していくオーダーメイド作品は、カラフルな糸で描くポートレートや曼荼羅を中心に、現代美術家、知念ありさとしての作品よりも依頼主一人一人に寄り添った逸品です。
愛を込めて、 Izumi Enn Works 知念ありさ